
Updates, updates. And future plans.

Updates, updates. And future plans.

Unfortunately I may not be able to start any new video series for TROM anytime soon, due to the circumstances I am in. I have tried but it is kinda impossible. Driving school madness. For one I am too busy with the insane driving school – here in Spain it takes ages to do it …

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Not a TROM meeting, meeting.

Not a TROM meeting, meeting.

This month a bunch of “trom” people visited us and we had such a wonderful time together. We had an Amber party looking through the microscopes to 40 million years old creatures… Something most people in this world probably consider as boring and “lame”. But if you understand the mind-blowing reality we live in, then …

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Rediscovering amber!

Rediscovering amber!

This is the coolest thing on Earth! — (recorded by me 10 minutes ago) Amber! Or stuff that the trees leak, then insects get trapped inside, then somehow it becomes super hard and survives for millions of years. It becomes transparent (lots of it) and we can look inside and see these creatures that …

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This society is still primitive.

This society is still primitive.

Do not forget that the internet, youtube, netflix, cars and supermarkets, lightbulbs and modern medicine, do not make our society “civilized”. These are a result of often enslaved humans producing “stuff” in a trade-based society. Technologically we, as a society, are quite advanced, but morally we are primitive. Despite all of this technological progress humans …

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I finished reading Sasha’s book

I finished reading Sasha’s book

I finished reading @Sasha ‘s book after reading a rough draft some 2-3 years ago. I wrote a review when she released the book but now that I finished it and it all is fresh in my mind I want to briefly say some condensed atom-sized thoughts about it, without spoiling it for those who …

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A book years in the making

A book years in the making

This is @Sasha and her most valuable project to date: A book. But a book is not simply a lot of words or a pile of paper. It is memories, emotions, worldviews, and a lot of work to put them all together. Her book is a story that spans over 15 years. But these years …

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No surprise that Alexei Navalny died….unfortunately the situation in this world is not like a movie, where the bad guys are defeated. It seems to me like we’ve built a society that encourages villains and give little chances to anyone who wants to do anything in a more just way in this society. Navalny had …

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Adam ruins the social networks conversation

Adam ruins the social networks conversation

Video: In this video Adam Conover argues that people cannot leave Twitter because everyone is there and Mastodon is hard to use. He thinks that the best is to transform Twitter into a nationalized, gov-owned public good platform. Well… He may be right that people are not going to leave Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and the …

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