


I have a cheapish digital microscope (about 130 Euros) and I love to look at small things. You realize that the small world is an entirely different universe.


I have a telescope and I love looking at the night sky. At times I may videos and I love to share with the rest. The Universe is a mindblowing place….


I used to film a lot with my drone and make little videos. May not be that interested nowadays but I am happy with the ones that I’ve made so far. I may do more in the future…


The world looks so weird when you speed it up. I liked to make these sort of videos, and I may make more in the future.

Linux Usability Test

Testing many Linux distributions for their usability, such as theme consistency, dealing with files, the ease of installing apps and more. Since it does take some time to make these videos, it is likely that I will rarely make them.

Random Stuff

Videos I randomly make….can be very long (rants), can be very short (like a flock of birds flying in interesting patterns). Whatever I like to film, I’ll post here.