
my personal place

Tag: TradeRuinsEverything

Divorcing myself from this retarded society

Divorcing myself from this retarded society

I need to divorce myself more from the society/politics/conflicts part of our world. It is insane what it has become. When Russia put hundreds of thousands of troops on Ukraine’s border and were accused of preparing an invasion, they said that’s entirely false. Then they invaded, then they called the war against Ukraine as a “special military operation”.

They bombed hospitals and schools and residential or public spaces, killing so many innocent people…

UK, USA, and EU were “horrified” at these atrocities, while China was “on the fence” and Iran and the like were kinda cheering up for Russia and helping them.

Day by day, people dying, politicians lying. People were crying…

And now Israel drops thousands of bombs on Gaza, killing again so many innocent people. Creating a total disaster.

So much suffering, just like in Ukraine. And yet USA, UK and EU are cheering up for Israel.

Even helping them…

Suddenly there is no more genocide….

Israel says they only kill the bad people, despite the videos and photos showing the contrary. They say they are saints and are fighting against evil, because you see Hamas killed over a thousand innocent Israeli people and that’s EVIL, so they must go and kill thousands more innocent people….because that’s GOOD!

Not to mention what Israel has done to palestinians over the past decades….trapping them in an open prison basically…

Then Russia is like: Oh my god, this is genocide! Unbelievable! To drop bombs on hospitals and kill entire families. This is terrible!

And China speaking up against what Israel is doing, more than what Russia is doing. And Iran talking about “human rights”….

And Ukraine not putting any blame on Israel for doing what Russia is doing to them….

Add to the mix the Hamas and other groups that create a lot of misery and terror, and the values of the so called “Arab countries” that are full of shit, and the primitivism of religion overall.

Ukraine is also not an angel, or any other tribe for that matter. Politicians are lying, propaganda is a daily news, and people continue to suffer while at the same time we have problems like cancer killing so many people, tuberculosis that is treatable killing the poor by the millions; diseases, climate change, pollution….

But the thing is, many of these situations are still a result of our trade-based society. The destruction of our environment, enslaving people, making humans into consumers, and so on, are a result of this society.

But even when it comes to wars they are a result of boiling trade-interests on a high flame. Where politicians say all sorts of stupid things, create propaganda through social (ad) networks that also rely on trades, promoting nationalism and patriotism to get more votes, to then have these politicians rule over others, and have luxurious cars, do all sort of businesses, and gain more power.

In other words do you think the “head of states” really care about their tribe when they are almost always caught avoiding taxes, doing shady businesses, and stealing form their tribe?

They care about them and their families, but then they start to promote “patriotism” and “us the tribe” stupidity, to gain votes to be elected as “heads of states”. And they use these platforms that care mostly about you paying them to promote your posts. The cycle of vomit.

The thirst for power comes mainly from humans being trained to trade to acquire, because the more you have the more power you have, and vice versa.

And then starting wars is part of the power thirst and the need to get more “support” from the “nationals”.

A mix of rich people who lie and have power over others, and the others who are confused patriots, busy workers, and idiotic consumers. Going at war is easy.


This is a totally insane society, full of lies and idiots. A horror carnival. And I think the sanest way for me is to force myself to ignore this side of our society. Ignore everything that any politician says (I already do this anyway), ignore these conflicts that I cannot do a thing about and are wrapped in propaganda and misery; ignore this society and focus more on the natural world.

I want to try and do astrophotography to reveal what my eyes can’t see. To go more in nature, to grow TROM and its many positive projects, to live a less stressed life, because the society is too retarded and chaotic to even make sense of it, let alone do anything about it.

Google wants to end adblocking

Google wants to end adblocking

Did you ever realize that the most popular browser in the entire world, is made and controlled by an ad company? And the most popular search engine….Same goes for the most popular “social networks”. And mobile operating system….


And now Google, who has the power to change the internet for the worse, is trying to do something that I had anticipated many years ago. You see, we think that we fooled these companies by using adblockers, or some interfaces like invidious and the like, but the truth is that we could do that because they allowed us to. As soon as these will threaten their existence they can throw massive amounts of money at it and make it difficult if not impossible to bypass these.

Example: since Google owns the search, the mobile operating system, maps, the most popular video platform and so on, AND they own the most popular browser in the world, they are trying to introduce some technical things into the browser and some of their websites to block the adblockers and more.

Basically if you visit Youtube.com via Chrome, then Youtube first asks Chrome about you. Like…are you using an adblocker? If Chrome says yes, then Youtube can refuse you. Therefore you cannot visit Youtube.com unless you do what Youtube says you should do. In this case deactivating your adblocker.

They call this the “Web Environment Integrity API” and are working on it already https://github.com/RupertBenWiser/Web-Environment-Integrity

Here’s a snippet from their proposal:

Users like visiting websites that are expensive to create and maintain, but they often want or need to do it without paying directly. These websites fund themselves with ads, but the advertisers can only afford to pay for humans to see the ads, rather than robots. This creates a need for human users to prove to websites that they’re human, sometimes through tasks like challenges or logins.

And this is their first point in their explanation. Of course they will fight for this. It will get harder and harder, if not impossible to block ads and trackers.

This is easily predictable when you understand that the main goal of humans on this planet is to trade. This for that. An evolution that results in big companies doing this sort of shit, even when they have more than enough.

I have been screaming about this for more than a decade. But most people do not listen. Do not want to talk about this. They make it look complicated (ad-based economics, surveillance capitalism, blah blah blah). In truth it is the same practice and incentive for Google as it is for the guy who owns a small grocery store. Stop thinking that this is an issue with big companies and billionaires. It is not. We are all, or most of us, scammers, charlatans, tricksters. On small or big levels.

What can we do about it?

First understand it. Understand why these things happen, because if you do not at best you can make some politicians approve some laws to try and stop these big players. And this does not work. We made a big book and a huge documentary all about this.

Second, try to use trade-free alternative platforms. See https://trom.tf/ – the ones that we offer. Or visit the Trade-Free Directory and search for some https://www.directory.trade-free.org/

We need to understand where the problem originates (trade) and inform people about it, but also try to use alternative platforms and software, so we don’t depend on this motherfuckers.

Schools are not for learning.

Schools are not for learning.

School can be seen as an abusive and inefficient system that has little to nothing to do with “education”.

Children are forced to wake up at a certain hour, every day, 5 days a week, for 12 years. They are categorized by ages and their “knowledge” level. School creates a competition between the kids, makes then hate science and learning in general, it is a boring and colorless place for these young minds, and overall ends up not teaching children much at all about the world we live in.

In a trade-based society the parents NEED to trade themselves in a job, so these kids need to be “livestocked” somehow. That’s what school is, a place where kids can be while their parents trade to survive in this society. More to that, Universities almost exclusively prepare these young creatures to become workers, like their parents.

All in all, kids go to school to compete, memorize, get ready to be workers. NOT to be EDUCATED.

If humans could have a decent life without trading in this society, they could have the time to engage with their kids, discover, learn, enjoy. And schools could be places where kids of all ages can go because they want to. A place where experts can teach them about the world and how to do something productive.


Tell kids: See this red dot? This is the farthest thing we can take a photo off. They call it a “star”. And you show them a real photo taken by the WEBB telescope. From there on you and your class of kids will investigate what this red dot is, and in the process you’ll teach kids about light, physics, maths, distances, stars, the universe.

Or show kids a real dinosaur bone and tell them: Our mission is to understand how old it is and what creature this is. And thus you can go into a journey of discovering what geology is, paleontology, rocks and fossils, and so forth.

Or tell them that our mission is to build a robot. And they will learn mechanics, programming and so forth.

We could create real schools where kids can become curious and learn so much about our world. So that they can become the next Einsteins, the next Teslas, the next ones who can discover new things.

That’s the world we should have had by now….

And we wont be able to have it unless we change the trade-based society into a tradeless society. Where humans are not forced to trade in order to survive. Where humans like “teachers” can engage and develop such schools as explained above, to have time for that, not to go to school because that’s their job since they have to pay their rent so they are forced to do it.

A few years ago we made a video: Rethinking Education https://videos.trom.tf/w/2y5RSgvREzT6mZnwonqKMN – where we go in depth abotút this.

05. Rethinking Education

We create documentaries out of our eBooks. These documentaries are entirely based on the books themselves but they may differ here and there in terms of the script and overall presentation, but in general they are the same as the books.


From Fireworks to Drones

From Fireworks to Drones

This is a show from a few days ago from the little town I live in:

It used to be this:

So messy.

Great! It seems that the world is starting to replace fireworks shows with drone shows. No more noise pollution, smoke, waste from the burned fireworks, and so forth. Sounds much much better!

Here’s a more advanced and cool example:

But I am concerned they will use them to also display some ads, like brands and promote shit…

Oh wait, they already do it!


Above Sydney so that everyone can see them…and loud music….so still noise pollution. What about those batteries and components for these thousands of drones that are used for such shows? Where do they go after not working anymore? Probably land-fields…

Ok ok….I know, nothing can end up well in a trade-based society. Everything gets traded, and thus marketed. Nothing is what it seems. A drone show is not just a drone show, it is an opportunity to advertise. A book is not just a book, it is an opportunity for the author to buy a new car. A piece of software is not just a piece of software, it is a way for the developer/company to collect more data, to then transform that into currency, to then transform that into holidays, houses, and fancy shit and so on for themselves.

This is the most fundamental thing that everyone should understand about our society, that we are forced and incentivized to trade. Very few people can afford to, or are willing to do things for the sake of doing things. And of course this creates a very messed-up society when you do something in order to get something else. We did that in school where the goal was to get good grades to pass the exams. Most kinds would cheat, not learn anything, because the goal was not to learn. And so it goes for our society…the goal is not to write books, do drone shows to protect the nature, create a PDF converter or whatever. Nah….

So we should not be surprised that everything goes to shit. Pollution, waste, bad products, scammy services….

Nothing will every change unless we understand that #TradeRuinsEverything.