
Is Russia going nuke?

Is Russia going nuke?

You know I made a post some months ago being quite concerned about WW3, and I really try to keep my tits calm when it comes to such scenarios since I have seen so many times speculations about all sorts of things and normally nothing radical happens in this world, in any regards. I haven’t …

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The internet is not built for brains.

The internet is not built for brains.

You know what feature would make sense to have online for mind-sanity? A toggle that disables all comments or interactions on your posts, and enables them again when you toggle it on. So if you are really not in the mood to reply to any comments, or see any notifications, then the saner is to …

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TVP and TZM….are they dead?

TVP and TZM….are they dead?

So the TZM frontpage still talks about a future event in 2021…I saw them a little active on Twitter this past year or two, since I can follow via Friendica. But not much going on. It is sad to see such movements dissolve…. Also TVP…last “news” on their website was from 4 months ago, and …

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I hope you’re amused!

I hope you’re amused!

When Snowden showed us the NSA leak,When Putin’s exposed by Navalny the “prick”,When COVID-19 hits hard like a brick…. The active of us, they scream and they tryThe rest of the world, observes and goes by,The climate, the plastic….we’re going to die?Scientists tell us, there is no more time:the bees they are dying, the ocean …

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Free Software Nonsense.

Free Software Nonsense.

If you call a software “free” then you should not trade for it. It means, it is given to you without any conditions attached to it. You should not give your data to them, your attention (ads), your currency and so forth. You can’t say “free software” and sell it.That’s not free in any universe, …

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The Online has become the Offline

The Online has become the Offline

Around 2005-2007 I was swimming in the online world. I had my own blog, and I was following other blogs too. Seemed genuine. You were following brains, and some were interesting. Others followed your brain. It was nice. Even when it came to videos I was using at least 3 platforms, one of which was …

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Your health will get better

Your health will get better

Now I am in pain. A lot of. Right side of my throat hurts like a hundred big needles got stuck there. I had a look. I see white spots. Throat ulcers very likely. I had this for about a week. I woke up so many times last night simply because of so much pain. …

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Apparently today was my birthday. I have become 34 years old. Sounds old to me, but also uninteresting.The only time I still enjoyed celebrating my birthday was when I was 14. 20-bloody-years-ago. But after that I hated it. I don’t like to be put in the center of attention, especially for such a shallow thing. …

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