
The UN has done it! We will fix it. Finally!

The UN has done it! We will fix it. Finally!

Oh look “leaders” are still meeting to talk about climate change – how cute! They are talking about how this global trade based society pushes us all, from individuals to companies, to pollute, mostly care about profits, destroy the nature, enslave others, coerce. And are taking direct steps to overcome this by providing humans …

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A very bad laptop design.

A very bad laptop design.

3 days ago I was writing about a laptop I bought for 100 Euros that impressed me. How well it was design making it so easy to upgrade and repair. This post Well now I have an exact opposite example. A few years ago we bought a very cheap laptop for my father. 2 …

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My plan for the next year.

My plan for the next year.

My plan for the next year. Release TROM II, have a wonderful TROM meeting in May, save as much money as possible + work to make some more and buy a motorhome. By October next year have the motorhome, some monthly income from WebApe (hopefully) and then go travel across Spain, Portugal, go to Norway …

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You are being scammed!

You are being scammed!

If you feed your brain with culture, then culture is your operating system. But culture is a human invention. Often too simplistic, moronic, competitive driven, trade-influenced. A culture of celebrities and those watching them, dreaming of becoming one of them. Shallow values, fake smiles, fake lives. If you watch movies, listen to music, scroll endlessly …

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